Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Stop Hunger Now--International Hunger Relief

Last Sunday morning a representative from the international relief organization "Stop Hunger Now" visited our morning service to share a little bit about what it is they do for folks around the world.  I was personally very moved by the presentation, so I thought I would share it with all of you.

Originally founded by a Methodist minister, Stop Hunger Now has been working to bring food and other resources to communities all over the world since 1998.  They coordinate not only the distribution of food, but other resources as well, to kids and families.  At the heart of their mission is their meal packaging program that began in 2005.  They're not solely a religious agency, but a relief agency that works with businesses, schools, and community organizations as well as churches to collect donations and assemble meals that will be sent all over the world.  According to the presentation and the agency's website, the meals are made of a rice/soy base that is added to dehydrated vegetables and a packet of vitamins and minerals. The presentation we had also said that depending on the area, locally available protein materials are added to the meals to add that essential as well.

The representative showed us a video and some slides of a couple of schools in Uganda that the agency works closely with.  She explained that many of the children walk 3-5 miles to school everyday, and that for some, the meals they get at the school are the only steady source of food that they receive.  So partnering with these schools is an effective way to not only distribute some of the meals, but to encourage children to get a basic education as well.  She said that the earning capacity of one of these kids goes up 5% for every year they stay in school.  The schools are especially helpful for young girls because they not only get the education, but they take what they've learned back to their homes and villages and teach other people as well.  She said "In Africa, educating a boy educates an individual, but educating a girl educates a community."

After the service they handed out little Chinese take-away type cartons for us all to take home and gather our loose change in.  Just 29 cents provides a meal with six servings.  We'll be bringing the cartons back on September 7th and the proceeds will go to help provide meals that church volunteers, including myself and my family, will help package during the second week of December.  They're hoping to provide enough money for, and package, 10,000 meals.  It's kind of a trip to think that just some loose change and a couple of hours worth of work can help provide food for 10,000 people!

I'll let you all know how it goes, and I'm really looking forward to it!  To me, this kind of work for other people is truly at the heart of Jesus's teaching, and it's going to be cool to be a part of it.

For more information or to make a donation to Stop Hunger Now, visit their website.

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